Aquarium light
An aquarium lighting system includes an LED array that includes multiple white light LEDs,multiple blue light LEDs,or multiple other color light LEDS accourding to the application,in order to provide the appropiate light for the growth of the fish and the plant.
Aquarium Water pump
Water pump is a neccessory part of the aquarium water circulatory system.It can provide motivation for the filter system.and also increase the oxygen into the aquarium.

Aquarium Air Pump
Air Pump plays an important role in an aquarium enviroment system.It supply oxygen to the fish,and a good air stone can increase the oxygen content in the water.
Hi I'm Damon, the owner behind SEVEN MASTER, an aquarium brand that is
based out of China and operated by my team. I've been loving keeping an aquarium since I was a little boy.After leaving colleague in 2013,i decided to start my career by my true aquatic hobby.In 2016,i came back to my hometown Zhongshan City,which is the production base of aquatic products,and i started to developed my aquatic brand with my other 6 aquatic hobbyists,that when SEVEN MASTER was born! We stock thousands of aquatic products.hope you enjoy our products as much we enjoy offering them to you.